Dabbling in Linux, a letter to my younger self


The Linux experience

Originally written for my prototype website back in 09/2019 and finished in 20/06/2021

I started using Linux regularly back in the middle of 2020. It’s been quite a journey, similar to jumping to a bottomless rabbit hole with no end in sight. There is just so much to discover and learn! Below is an essay on my experience that I would send to my younger self If I could to convince him to use Linux.

Hardware and driver issues in Linux

One thing I will miss is hardware and driver compatibilities when using Linux as compared to the standard operating systems. My first Linux installation (Linux mint) wasn’t such a smooth experience as it would not boot correctly with my MSI gaming laptop. These hardware and driver (especially on the newest most bleeding edgest hardware) issues will always plague Linux as most companies focus their products on mainstream Windows and Mac Os.

The pros

There is frankly so much to list here, but the catch is that some of these points require time, energy, and effort to achieve.

The cons

My workflow and setup

Currently, my setup goes something like this. I don’t have a computer, but I have 3 laptops (one provided by work, my old undergrad gaming laptop, one light laptop for travel).

Work laptop

Aftershock, Apex-15

Undergrad gaming laptop

MSI gaming laptop

Travel laptop

Lenovo thinkpad X250

Closing thoughts

Its been a wild ride. PS its not a hacker tool and you don’t become a hacker when you use Linux.

Helpful websites

Below are some links and helpful youtube videos that will help in your Linux journey!

Youtube videos