Taking back online privacy


A brief overview

This essay a collection of notes and tips on how to be more private when using the internet that I have collected over time. Do take note that trying to be more private online does come at the cost of convenience. It is similar to pledging yourself to eat healthier or exercise more (though this might be easier to do). Some lifestyle adjustment is needed.


There are benefits to being more private online mainly: - Peace of mind and privacy (duh!) - Privacy and Security goes hand in hand - Delete ads! - Save battery life

Basics steps

  1. uBlock origin: Wide-spectrum blocker (blocks more stuff than ads.)
  2. Privacy Badger: Blocks “invisible” trackers
  3. Decentraleyes: Websites use online tools for them to work. Instead of loading these tools online, commons ones are instead downloaded locally and used to protect privacy and bandwidth.
  4. HTTPS everywhere: Ensure websites you visit are HTTPS enabled, where you connection is safe and secure

Folllowing through

If you have done the steps above, it is safe to say you are more “private” compared to 70% of the internet users (% of users who use chrome), which is discounting the effects of the add ons. But… the journey continues! The best resource for privacy and anonimity for the general user is techlore and their video series on going from zero to incognito. Do check them out!